Full Calf

  • Category = Full Calf
    Rodney; Hoste; Exmouth; Saumarez; St. Vincent; Keppel; Durham; Nelson; Penrose and Trevenen; Blake; Dundonald; Dundonald; Gambier; Napier; Broke; Duncan. by VARIOUS
    Rodney; Hoste; Exmouth; Saumarez; St. Vincent; Keppel; Durham; Nelson; Penrose and Trevenen; Blake; Dundonald; Dundonald; Gambier; Napier; Broke; Duncan.

    Various 1830-1898. The Life and Correspondence of the late Admiral Lord RODNEY. 2 volumes. By Major-General Mundy. London: John Murray, 1830. * Memoirs and Letters of Capt. Sir William HOSTE. 2 volumes. London: Richard Bentley, 1833. * The Life Of Admiral Viscount EXMOUTH. By Edward Osler. London: Smith, Elder, 1835. * Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de SAUMAREZ. By Sir John Ross. London: Richard Bentley, 1838. * Life and Correspondence of John, Earl of ST. VINCENT. 2 volumes. By Edward Pelham Brenton. London: Colburn, 1838. * The Life of Augustus Viscount KEPPEL. 2 volumes. By Thomas Keppel. London: Colburn, 1842. * Memoir of the Naval Life and Services of Admiral Sir Philip C.H.C. DURHAM. By Captain A. Murray.…


    Various 1830-1898. The Life and Correspondence of the late Admiral Lord RODNEY. 2 volumes. By Major-General Mundy. London: John Murray, 1830. * Memoirs and Letters of Capt. Sir William HOSTE. 2 volumes. London: Richard Bentley, 1833. * The Life Of Admiral Viscount EXMOUTH. By Edward Osler. London: Smith, Elder, 1835. * Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de SAUMAREZ. By Sir John Ross. London: Richard Bentley, 1838. * Life and Correspondence of John, Earl of ST. VINCENT. 2 volumes. By Edward Pelham Brenton. London: Colburn, 1838. * The Life of Augustus Viscount KEPPEL. 2 volumes. By Thomas Keppel. London: Colburn, 1842. * Memoir of the Naval Life and Services of Admiral Sir Philip C.H.C. DURHAM. By Captain A. Murray. London: John Murray, 1846. * Memoirs of the Life of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount NELSON. 2 volumes. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew. London: Boone, 1849 * Lives of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Vinicombe PENROSE and Captain James TREVENEN. By John Penrose. John Murray, 1850. * Robert BLAKE Admiral and General at Sea. By Hepworth Dixon. London: Chapman and Hall, 1852 * Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru, and Brazil. 2 volumes bound in 1. By Thomas, Earl of DUNDONALD. London: Ridgway, 1859. * The Autobiography of a Seaman. 2 volumes. By Thomas, Tenth Earl of DUNDONALD. London: Richard Bentley, 1860. * Memorials, Personal and Historical of Admiral Lord GAMBIER. 2 Volumes. By Georgiana, Lady Chatterton. Hurst and Blackett, 1861. * Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir Charles NAPIER. 2 volumes. By Major-General Elers Napier. Hurst and Blackett, 1862. * Admiral Sir P.B.V. BROKE, A Memoir. By J.G. Brighton. London: Sampson Low, 1866. * Admiral DUNCAN. By the Earl of Camperdown. London: Longmans Green, 1898.

    16 titles in 25 volumes, all but one volume 8 3/4 inches tall. Beautifully uniformly bound by the great firm of Zaehnsdorf in full calf at the end of the 19th century with gilt raised bands, triple red labels and superb floral gilt tools to the panels. Twin gilt fillets and corner tools frame the boards. Gilt dentelles and yellow edges. With the bookplates of Fitz Roy Keith Chapman and Beeleigh Abbey. Minor rubbing and light foxing to some preliminaries, overall a very fine collection. Multiple images of each title available.

    View basket More details Price: £7,500.00
    Sämmtliche Werke. (Collected Works). by GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang
    GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang
    Sämmtliche Werke. (Collected Works).

    Stuttgart und Tübingen: J. G. Cotta'scher Verlag, 1850. 30 volumes bound in 15, complete, 9 inches tall. A magnificent set in extraordinary Spanish calf, not signed but bound by White of Piccadilly in the middle of the 19th century. With gilt raised bands, twin labels and glorious gilt tooling to the panels. Triple gilt fillets framing the boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. A superb set of some of the most influential works of the late 18th and 19th centuries, in their original German in a fabulous binding in pristine condition.

    View basket More details Price: £6,500.00
    The History of England. by HUME, David; SMOLLETT, Tobias; HUGHES, T.S. (Continued by).
    HUME, David; SMOLLETT, Tobias; HUGHES, T.S. (Continued by).
    The History of England.

    London: Cadell et al., 1841-1846. 17 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A magnificent Victorian full calf with gilt raised bands, twin labels and very fine floral gilt tooling to the panels, almost certainly bound by the great firm of J. Leighton of Brewer Street. The first 6 volumes cover the 'History of England' from the 'Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688' by David Hume. The next four volumes are a continuation by Tobias Smollett 'From the Revolution to the Death of George the Second'. The concluding seven volumes, by T.S. Hughes, cover the period from 'The Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837'. We have handled very many sets of…


    London: Cadell et al., 1841-1846. 17 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A magnificent Victorian full calf with gilt raised bands, twin labels and very fine floral gilt tooling to the panels, almost certainly bound by the great firm of J. Leighton of Brewer Street. The first 6 volumes cover the 'History of England' from the 'Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688' by David Hume. The next four volumes are a continuation by Tobias Smollett 'From the Revolution to the Death of George the Second'. The concluding seven volumes, by T.S. Hughes, cover the period from 'The Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837'. We have handled very many sets of this title have never seen a smarter set. From the library of Alfred de Rothschild but without his bookplate.

    View basket More details Price: £4,800.00
    Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works. by CARLYLE, Thomas
    CARLYLE, Thomas
    Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works.

    London: Chapman & Hall, 1887. 34 volumes, 8 1/2 inches tall. A superb late Victorian set bound by Zaehnsdorf with gilt raised bands, twin labels and very fine gilt tooling to the panels. The Monogram and coronet of The Marchioness of Londonderry is gilt embossed on the upper boards framed within a double fillet. With her bookplate. A letter is slipped in reading: "June 24th 1889. My Dear Lady Londonderry, I send you a set of Carlyle's Works - Please accept in memory of such kindness received from Ireland's best of Kings & sweetest of Queens.....Edmund Talbot". A few marks and scratches but a superb set in near pristine condition. A fine set of the best edition of the…


    London: Chapman & Hall, 1887. 34 volumes, 8 1/2 inches tall. A superb late Victorian set bound by Zaehnsdorf with gilt raised bands, twin labels and very fine gilt tooling to the panels. The Monogram and coronet of The Marchioness of Londonderry is gilt embossed on the upper boards framed within a double fillet. With her bookplate. A letter is slipped in reading: "June 24th 1889. My Dear Lady Londonderry, I send you a set of Carlyle's Works - Please accept in memory of such kindness received from Ireland's best of Kings & sweetest of Queens.....Edmund Talbot". A few marks and scratches but a superb set in near pristine condition. A fine set of the best edition of the works of one of the greatest influences of the Victorian Age.

    View basket More details Price: £4,750.00
    Mémoires de Vidocq, Chef de la Police de Sureté, jusqu'en 1827. by VIDOCQ, Francois Eugene
    VIDOCQ, Francois Eugene
    Mémoires de Vidocq, Chef de la Police de Sureté, jusqu'en 1827.

    Paris: Tenon, 1828-29. 4 volume set, 8 1/4 inches tall. First Edition. A splendid full calf of the period, an ancient catalogue slip attributes it to the great C. Lewis, with dense gilt tooling and olive labels on smooth backs. The arms of the 3rd Earl of Clare are gilt blocked onto the boards. Signed by Vidocq in the first 3 volumes as called for. Eugene Vidocq was an adventurer and detective who helped create the 'secret police' in France and is considered the father of modern criminology. Dismissed in 1832 for a theft that he allegedly organised, Vidocq created a police agency 'Police de Sûreté", the prototype of modern detective agencies. Known all over France as a remarkably…


    Paris: Tenon, 1828-29. 4 volume set, 8 1/4 inches tall. First Edition. A splendid full calf of the period, an ancient catalogue slip attributes it to the great C. Lewis, with dense gilt tooling and olive labels on smooth backs. The arms of the 3rd Earl of Clare are gilt blocked onto the boards. Signed by Vidocq in the first 3 volumes as called for. Eugene Vidocq was an adventurer and detective who helped create the 'secret police' in France and is considered the father of modern criminology. Dismissed in 1832 for a theft that he allegedly organised, Vidocq created a police agency 'Police de Sûreté", the prototype of modern detective agencies. Known all over France as a remarkably audacious man, Vidocq was a friend of such authors as Victor Hogo, Honoré de Balzac, Eugène Sue and Alexandre Dumas père and influenced Edgar Allen Poe. The figure of Vidocq is believed to have inspired Balzac's creation of the criminal genius Vautrin, one of the most vivid characters to appear in his novelistic series La Comédie Humaine. From the residual library of Charles Butler (1821-1910) of Warren Wood in Hatfield. The majority of his library was sold at Sotheby's on 5th April 1911. A wonderful set of this great work In the original French.

    View basket More details Price: £3,500.00
    Oficio de la Semana Santa. (Texts for the Holy week Masses). by OFICIO.
    Oficio de la Semana Santa. (Texts for the Holy week Masses).

    Madrid: En la Imprenta del Norte, 1815. 10 volume set, bound in 6, 9 3/4 inches tall. A fabulous early 19th century Spanish full calf with twin red labels and Grecian urn centre tools on a smooth back. A splendid wide gilt roll frames the boards. Speckled blue edges and remarkable endpapers. This style of staining calf in such an extraordinary and attractive style became very popular with the finest English book binders towards the end of the Victorian era and well into the Edwardian. See our examples by Leighton, Tout and White. This fine edition, with the text in very large type in Spanish and Latin, is extremely scarce with only one other set located by Palau 199404…


    Madrid: En la Imprenta del Norte, 1815. 10 volume set, bound in 6, 9 3/4 inches tall. A fabulous early 19th century Spanish full calf with twin red labels and Grecian urn centre tools on a smooth back. A splendid wide gilt roll frames the boards. Speckled blue edges and remarkable endpapers. This style of staining calf in such an extraordinary and attractive style became very popular with the finest English book binders towards the end of the Victorian era and well into the Edwardian. See our examples by Leighton, Tout and White. This fine edition, with the text in very large type in Spanish and Latin, is extremely scarce with only one other set located by Palau 199404 and OCLC in the Spanish National Library. A partial set is in the Saxon State Library in Dresden and a few parts are found in an Italian library. On the first blank is found an old Barcelona bookseller's ticket. In pristine condition.

    View basket More details Price: £3,500.00
    The Works of William Congreve. by CONGREVE, William
    CONGREVE, William
    The Works of William Congreve.

    Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville for J. and R. Tonson, 1761. 3 volume set, 9 inches tall. An exquisite 18th century full calf with gilt raised bands, twin olive labels and superb gilt floral and star tooling to the panels. A triple gilt fillet and corner tools frame the boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. Slight rubbing and scuffing and occasional foxing to the preliminaries but overall in excellent condition. With an engraved portrait frontispiece to vol. 1 and a further 5 engraved plates. . Printed by the fine typographer, printer and publisher John Baskerville, of Birmingham.

    View basket More details Price: £3,000.00
    Travels in North-America, in the years 1780-1782. Translated from the French by an English Gentleman (J.Kent) who resided in America at that Period..... by CHASTELLUX, The Marquis de.
    CHASTELLUX, The Marquis de.
    Travels in North-America, in the years 1780-1782. Translated from the French by an English Gentleman (J.Kent) who resided in America at that Period.....

    London: Robinson, 1787. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. A wonderful 18th century calf binding with gilt bands, superb twin labels and splendid floral gilt tooling to the panels. An ornate gilt fillet frames the speckled boards. With the 2 folding engraved maps and 3 folding engraved plates. The first English edition of what has been described as "The first trustworthy record of life in the United States." Howes. U.S. Iana. Slight superficial loss to a long defunct insect to the foot of volume 2 and slight rubbing and marking the the boards but overall in excellent condition. With the bookplate of Vane Londonderry. From the library of Charles William Vane (formerly Stewart), third Marquess of Londonderry. Vane…


    London: Robinson, 1787. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. A wonderful 18th century calf binding with gilt bands, superb twin labels and splendid floral gilt tooling to the panels. An ornate gilt fillet frames the speckled boards. With the 2 folding engraved maps and 3 folding engraved plates. The first English edition of what has been described as "The first trustworthy record of life in the United States." Howes. U.S. Iana. Slight superficial loss to a long defunct insect to the foot of volume 2 and slight rubbing and marking the the boards but overall in excellent condition. With the bookplate of Vane Londonderry. From the library of Charles William Vane (formerly Stewart), third Marquess of Londonderry. Vane served with distinction throughout the Peninsula War. His dashing and dandified portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence is at the National Portrait Gallery. He amassed magnificent libraries in his various Country Houses. The Marquis of Chastellux, French general and author. In 1870 he went to the U.S., where he served with honour for 3 years, as Major General, in Rochambeau's forces. He was a personal friend of George Washington. This work contains reminiscences of Washington, La Fayette and General Knox amongst many others. It abounds, not only with observations of importance, but also with details of even the most trifling, but fascinating, incidents that bad roads, inconvenient inns, and distracted times usually afford.

    View basket More details Price: £2,900.00
    The Works of Thomas De Quincey. by De QUINCEY, Thomas
    De QUINCEY, Thomas
    The Works of Thomas De Quincey.

    Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1862. 15 volume set, 7 1/4 inches tall. A superb full Victorian calf bound set with gilt raised bands, extra gilt panels and contrasting twin labels. Armorial bookplate. Portrait. Best known for his 'Confessions of an English Opium-Eater', in which De Quincey's autobiography centres on the effect his laudanum addiction has on his life. A wonderful set of the works of this very influential writer.

    View basket More details Price: £2,800.00
    The Dispatches of Field Marshal The Duke of Wellington, K.G. During his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, and France. From 1799 to 1818. by WELLINGTON, The Duke of. GURWOOD, Lieut. Colonel. (Compiled from Official and Authentic Documents by).
    WELLINGTON, The Duke of. GURWOOD, Lieut. Colonel. (Compiled from Official and Authentic Documents by).
    The Dispatches of Field Marshal The Duke of Wellington, K.G. During his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, and France. From 1799 to 1818.

    London: John Murray, 1834-1838. 12 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. An exceptionally good looking late Victorian full calf with wide blind tooled raised bands, twin labels and extra gilt tooling to the panels. A gilt roll and fillets frame the monogram on the upper boards. Scuffs on the upper board of volume XII, otherwise a clean and very smart set. An extraordinary insight into the Napoleonic campaigns from the dispatches of Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington.

    View basket More details Price: £2,800.00
    A Selection of Old English Plays. Originally Published by Robert Dodsley in The Year 1744. by DODSLEY, Robert. HAZLITT, W. Carew. ( Revised, enlarged and with notes by ).
    DODSLEY, Robert. HAZLITT, W. Carew. ( Revised, enlarged and with notes by ).
    A Selection of Old English Plays. Originally Published by Robert Dodsley in The Year 1744.

    ondon Reeves and Turner, 1874. 15 volume set, 9 inches tall. Superb full calf by Mansell. A very fine binding with gilt raised bands, triple labels and dense gilt floral panels. Gilt dentelles and top edges.One of only a handful, possibly as few as 10, tall large paper copies on handmade paper were printed. With the armorial bookplate of Horatio Noble Pym, celebrated author and bibliophile who used the finest bookbinders of his day. This is a splendid set of this important collection of early English plays, largely from the 16th century, with more than 30 being added to this enlarged edition.

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    Antiquities of Great Britain. Illustrated in views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now existing. by HEARNE, Thomas (drawings by). BYRNE, William (engraved by).
    HEARNE, Thomas (drawings by). BYRNE, William (engraved by).
    Antiquities of Great Britain. Illustrated in views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now existing.

    London: T. Hearne and W. Byrne, 1786 & London: Cadell and Davies, 1807. 2 volumes bound in one, 16 1/2 inches tall. A beautiful tall, full Regency diced calf with blind tooled raised bands, ornate gilt tooling to the panels and a wide gilt roll framing the boards. The first title page is engraved and the second undecorated title page to volume 1 is not bound in. The title page to the second volume is present, as are all the large and highly attractive engraved views, 52 (including the first title page) in the first volume and 32 in the second, making a total of 84. Each engraved view is followed by a leaf with details in English and…


    London: T. Hearne and W. Byrne, 1786 & London: Cadell and Davies, 1807. 2 volumes bound in one, 16 1/2 inches tall. A beautiful tall, full Regency diced calf with blind tooled raised bands, ornate gilt tooling to the panels and a wide gilt roll framing the boards. The first title page is engraved and the second undecorated title page to volume 1 is not bound in. The title page to the second volume is present, as are all the large and highly attractive engraved views, 52 (including the first title page) in the first volume and 32 in the second, making a total of 84. Each engraved view is followed by a leaf with details in English and French. Copies with all the plates are very rare, especially in such a magnificent binding of the period. There is some rubbing to the shoulders but no splitting or loss. There is some foxing to the preliminaries but otherwise remarkably clean.

    View basket More details Price: £2,600.00
    Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through London. by EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, Robert (Illustrated by the pencil of).
    EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, Robert (Illustrated by the pencil of).
    Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through London.

    London: G. Virtue, 1830. Full calf, 9.5 inches tall. A pristine copy in glorious full calf by Root with gilt raised bands, triple labels and wonderful gilt centre tools indicative of our heroes dissolute adventures in London, playing cards, Champagne bottles and dancers. The boards are framed within gilt corner tools and triple fillets. Gilt dentelles and all edges. Embellished with all 36 hand coloured aquatints from designs by Robert Cruikshank.

    View basket More details Price: £2,500.00
    Letters on Different Subjects. by (PENNINGTON, Lady Sarah)
    (PENNINGTON, Lady Sarah)
    Letters on Different Subjects.

    London : to be had by the Subscribers of those Booksellers to whom they have subscribed, and at W. Bristow's late Shop in St. Paul's Church Yard, or at his House in Roll's Buildings, Fetter-Lane, 1766-1767. 4 volume set, 7 1/4 inches tall. A superb full 18th century calf with gilt raised bands, twin labels, delightful gilt pomegranate tooling to the panels and a simple gilt chain roll framing the boards. Yellow edges. With the magnificent armorial bookplate of Vane Londonderry. An early advocate of women's rights having escaped an unhappy marriage and hostile husband. Early copies of her works are very rare even in institutions. A superb set.

    View basket More details Price: £2,500.00
    Life of Mohamet and Lives of Mohamet and his Successors. by IRVING, Washington
    IRVING, Washington
    Life of Mohamet and Lives of Mohamet and his Successors.

    London: John Murray, 1850. 2 volume set, 9 inches tall. A pristine set of this classic work in full mid-Victorian honey calf. With gilt raised bands, exquisite floral gilt tooling to the panels and double gilt fillet framing the boards. First edition. With the bookplate of Edward Nicholas Hurt of Wirksworth. This superb set is in pristine condition, both in terms of the text block and binding, evidently having not been read.

    View basket More details Price: £2,500.00
    A System of Chemistry. by THOMSON, Thomas
    THOMSON, Thomas
    A System of Chemistry.

    Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1810. 5 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A remarkable and most attractive full Regency calf binding with twin inked raised bands and inked, blind and gilt tooling to the panels and boards, so typical of this period. With the bookplate of the famous collector Robert J. Hayhurst and neat stamp of R. Parker on the reverse of the free endpaper. 4 engraved plates. "Thomson's System was the first extensive treatise on Chemistry written in Great Britain....the objectives of the work were to promote the advancement of chemistry by collecting the numerous facts from their scattered sources, to incorporate the history of the development of Chemistry and to give exact references to the original works…


    Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1810. 5 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A remarkable and most attractive full Regency calf binding with twin inked raised bands and inked, blind and gilt tooling to the panels and boards, so typical of this period. With the bookplate of the famous collector Robert J. Hayhurst and neat stamp of R. Parker on the reverse of the free endpaper. 4 engraved plates. "Thomson's System was the first extensive treatise on Chemistry written in Great Britain....the objectives of the work were to promote the advancement of chemistry by collecting the numerous facts from their scattered sources, to incorporate the history of the development of Chemistry and to give exact references to the original works in which the discoveries were reported. To make this edition up to date important additions and alterations were introduced into almost every chapter, also some new sections were added increasing the text to five volumes." (Cole). A splendid set of the expanded and improved 4th edition of this landmark scientific work.

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    Monasticon Hibernicum; or, An History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland. by ARCHDALL, Mervyn
    ARCHDALL, Mervyn
    Monasticon Hibernicum; or, An History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland.

    London: Robinson, 1786. Full calf, 10 1/2 inches tall. A splendid copy of this scarce work with the elaborate bookplate of the Earls of Londonderry at Wynyard Park in full 18th century calf with gilt bands in the Etruscan key style, red label and blue edges. Complete with folding map and 18 plates. A remarkable volume with splendid provenance.

    View basket More details Price: £2,400.00
    The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. by BROWNING, Robert
    BROWNING, Robert
    The Poetical Works of Robert Browning.

    London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1889. 17 volume set, 7 inches tall. A classic Victorian full calf for Sotheran with gilt raised bands, twin labels and beautiful floral gilt tooling to the panels. Dentelles and all edges gilt. Twin gilt fillets and corner tools frame the boards. From the library and with the bookplates of Alfred de Rothschild. A wonderful set of the poetical works of one of the greatest and most influential English 19th century poets.

    View basket More details Price: £2,000.00
    Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. by VIRGIL
    Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis.

    Londini (London): Apud A. Dulae & Co., 1800. 2 volume set, 11 inches tall. A beautiful and magnificent large-paper edition in full diced calf with gilt raised bands, gilt pallets, dentelles and a gilt roll framing the diced boards. This " is certainly the most beautiful octavo publication of the poet extant... the text is supposed to be faultless. Some few copies are struck off on LARGE PAPER, in imperial octavo, and sell high" (Dibdin). With the leather bookplate of Granville Hastings Wheler of Otterden Place. Embellished with 15 plates by Bartolozzi, James Fittler, J. Neagle, and Sharp, after Gerard and Girode. Exceptionally clean inside and out. In the original Latin.

    View basket More details Price: £1,800.00
    A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, & from the Conquest, Anno 1066. to the Year 1707. by SANDFORD, Francis
    SANDFORD, Francis
    A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, & from the Conquest, Anno 1066. to the Year 1707.

    London: Nicholson and Knaplock, 1707. Full calf, 14 3/4 inches tall. A magnificent full speckled calf with raised bands, label and gilt pallets. Pink speckled edges. With the armorial bookplate of Vane Londonderry. From the library of Charles William Vane (formerly Stewart), third Marquess of Londonderry. Vane served with distinction throughout the Peninsula War. His dashing and dandified portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence is at the National Portrait Gallery. He amassed magnificent libraries in his various Country Houses. On the title page is the signature of Geo. Howard of Norfolke. On the front free end paper, just above the case and shelf number the very corner has been clipped. With full page engraved plates, many folding, and vignettes throughout.…


    London: Nicholson and Knaplock, 1707. Full calf, 14 3/4 inches tall. A magnificent full speckled calf with raised bands, label and gilt pallets. Pink speckled edges. With the armorial bookplate of Vane Londonderry. From the library of Charles William Vane (formerly Stewart), third Marquess of Londonderry. Vane served with distinction throughout the Peninsula War. His dashing and dandified portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence is at the National Portrait Gallery. He amassed magnificent libraries in his various Country Houses. On the title page is the signature of Geo. Howard of Norfolke. On the front free end paper, just above the case and shelf number the very corner has been clipped. With full page engraved plates, many folding, and vignettes throughout. A fine and impressive copy of this Royal History.

    View basket More details Price: £1,800.00