- Category = Reference
Anecdotes of Painting in England.
London: Printed at the Shakspeare Press for John Major and Robert Jennings, 1828. 5 volume set, 10 inches tall. A splendid tall set in full hard grain morocco by Clarke & Bedford, one of the greatest names of the period. With gilt raised bands and very fine extra gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt fillets, and superb gilt tooling with corner devices frame the boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. With the bookplates of William Strahan and Alfred de Rothschild. This celebrated edition has the plates in 2 states, with the proofs laid down on india paper. Slight foxing but overall a fine set of this great edition.
More details Price: £3,000.00 -
The Cambridge History of English Literature.
Cambridge: The University Press 1920-1927. 15 volume set, 9 inches tall. A splendid half morocco binding by Bumpus with gilt raised bands, elegant gilt tooling to the panels and all edges gilt. It is unusual to find this great work of literary reference in a fine binding. Some superficial rubbing otherwise in excellent condition.
More details Price: £2,400.00 -
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
London: John Scott, 1806. 5 volume set, 9 inches tall. A wonderful full straight grain morocco with the ticket of C. Hering, one of the greatest English binders of the period. With gilt raised bands end dense and very finely tooling to the panels and gilt fillets, rolls and corner tools to the boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. With over 145 superbly engraved portraits. From the library of Evelyn de Rothschild.
More details Price: £2,200.00 -
Répertoire du Théâtre François, ou Recueil des Tragédies et Comédies, Restées au Théâtre depuis Rotrou, pour faire suite aux éditions in-octavo de Corneille, Molière, Racine, Regnard, Crébillon, et au théâtre de Voltaire. Avec des Notices sur chaque auteur, et l'examen de chaque pièce.
Paris: Perlet, 1803. 23 volume set, 8 1/4 inches tall. A most attractive and unusual full calf from the period of publication. The very elegant spines have gilt bands, twin labels and ornate and delicate centre tooling, typical of the period. A fine gilt roll frames the boards which blend tree calf with speckled lozenges in a superb fashion. Minor rubbing. With the armorial bookplates of Lord Kinnaird. A lovely set of Petitot's greatest work.
More details Price: £1,600.00 -
Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New.
London: George Bell, 1896. Full morocco, 7 1/2 inches tall. A pristine full crushed morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe in his own distinctive design and from his library. With raised bands, a single gilt star to the spine and a gilt key motif on the upper board. The binding, which dates from 1969 has the following pencil inscription in William Russell Flint's own hand on the paste down endpaper: "Board of education South Kensington. National Book Prize awarded to William Russell Flint of Edinburgh Royal Institution School of Art for success in subject 9a at the National arts Competition 1900". A unique and lovely copy of this profusely illustrated and informative work.
More details Price: £850.00 -
The Every-Day Book.
London: William Tegg, 1878. 2 volume set, 9 inches tall. A classic Victorian full calf with gilt raised bands, twin labels and handsome gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt corner tools, twin fillets and a blind fillet frame the boards. Gilt dentelles. A thoroughly entertaining work 'Guide to the Year: Relating the Popular Amusements, Sports, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, incident to the 365 Days in Past and Present Times; Being a Series of 5000 Anecdotes and Facts....'
More details Price: £590.00 -
Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought.
London: Rivingtons, 1874. Full calf, 11 inches tall. A tall 'Divinity' or 'Oxford' calf binding in pristine condition with raised bands, well defined inked tooling to the panels and boards, gilt centre tools and a bold red label. Red edges. Double column. An exceptional example of this scarce and comprehensive work.
More details Price: £500.00 -
A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages.
London: Longman et al.,1855. 2 volume set, 9 inches tall. Superb early Victorian full hard grain morocco binding with gilt raised bands, gilt pallets and blind fillets framing the boards. With the bookplates of Leopold de Rothschild. A very fine set .
More details Price: £500.00 -
A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages.
London: Wingrave et al., 1805. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. A magnificent full calf from the beginning of the 19th century with gilt bands, elaborate gilt centre tools, label and speckled edges. With the bookplate of M. General Sir Charles Stewart of Wynyard Park. From the library of Charles William Vane (formerly Stewart), third Marquess of Londonderry. Vane served with distinction throughout the Peninsula War. His dashing and dandified portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence is at the National Portrait Gallery. He amassed magnificent libraries in his various Country Houses.
More details Price: £450.00 -
The Peerage and Baronetage of The British Empire as at Present Existing.
London: Hurst and Blackett, 1874. Full morocco, 9 3/4 inches tall. A splendid full morocco by Harrison of Pall Mall with gilt raised bands and extra gilt panels. The boards bear the arms of Queen Victoria framed within gilt fillets and a wide gilt roll. Gilt dentelles and all edges. There is some rubbing to the binding with a few tiny patches of superficial loss but no splitting of the joints. A magnificently bound work of reference illustrated with hundreds of armorial crests.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Le Dictionnaire Royal, François-Anglois, et Anglois-François.
London: T. Longman, B. Law et al., 1796. 2 volumes bound in 1, 11 1/4 inches tall. A magnificent large quarto in full 18th century speckled calf with raised bands, gilt pallets and a most attractive label. Some marks and scuffs to the binding but no loss or splitting. An exceptionally clean copy of Boyer's Royal French and English Dictionary.
More details Price: £450.00 -
The Biographer's Manual of English Literature.
London: Bell & Daldy, 1865. 6 volume set, 7 1/2 inches tall. An elegant half calf binding by Larkins with gilt raised bands, twin labels and fine gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt top edges. With armorial bookplate. This is a new, revised, corrected and enlarged edition.
More details Price: £400.00 -
Dictionnaire Grammatical, de La Langue Françoise.
Avignon: Girard, 1761. Full calf, 7 1/2 inches tall. Full 18th century mottled calf with gilt raised bands, label and fine floral gilt tooling to the panels. Pink edges. Although the binding is still perfectly solid there is rubbing, creasing, loss to the bottom panel and a defunct worm hole on the upper board. With the rather splendid bookplate of The Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire and the neat ink signatures of 2 previous owners on the title page.
More details Price: £360.00 -
The Book of Days.
London & Edinburgh: Chambers, c.1894. 2 volume set, 10 1/4 inches tall. Impressive late Victorian full calf by Relph with gilt raised bands, twin labels and ornate gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt and blind rolls frame the prize 'Elizabeth Regina' block. A neat ink previous owners name is written on the first blank. An entertaining work in which '...Anecdotes, Biography, and History, Curiosities of Literature and oddities of human Life and Character' are listed on each day of the calendar.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, Revised and Corrected with the Addition of Numerous Slang Phrases, Collected from Tried Authorities.
London: Printed for the Editor, 1823. Half morocco, 9 1/4 inches tall. A highly entertaining and interesting dictionary in a very fine half morocco binding, with gilt raised bands, superb centre tool and gilt top edge. Portrait. With the armorial bookplate of Michael, Lord Sandys of Ombersley Court. A fine copy of this work by Pierce Egan, well known for his 'Life in London' and 'Boxiana; or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism'.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Almanach de Gotha Pour L'année 1822.
Gotha: Chez Justus Perthes,1822. Full morocco, 4 1/2 inches tall. A delightful little almanach in full straight grain morocco with gilt bands, three different starburst centre tools and all edges gilt. Original orange paper wrappers bound in. Decorated with a frontispiece and 10 plates, some folding. A fascinating volume in an unusually handsome binding. In French.
More details Price: £280.00 -
Dictionnaire portative et de prononciation, Espagnol-Francais et Francais-Espagnol, a l’usage des deux nations…
Lyon: B. Cormon et Blanc, Reymann, An VIII, 1800. 2 vols., 8vo (8.25 x 5.25 inches). Superb contemporary full tree calf, twin red and green labels, very pretty tooling to spine and framing boards, marbled edges and endpapers. Slightly rubbed. Signed by the author in black ink to verso of half-title. An excellent binding.
More details Price: £200.00 -
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1962. Full morocco, 11 inches tall. Full morocco by Zaehnsdorf. A very heavy work of reference luxuriously bound with gilt raised bands, simple gilt panels, wide dentelles and all edges gilt. Armorial bookplates. Pristine condition.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Synonymes François.
Leide (Leiden): Wetstein, 1762. Full calf, 6 1/2 inches tall. A very good looking copy of this important reference work in 18th century full speckled calf with gilt raised bands, label and a lovely centre tool of a bird in foliage. Pink speckled edges. Bookplate. In pristine condition.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Compendio della Grammatica Francese. (Compendium of French Grammar).
Napoli: Gio. Batista, 1818. Full Vellum, 6 1/2 inches tall, A charming Italian 'rustic' full velum from the early 19th century with gilt framed painted labels and blue speckled edges. In Italian.
More details Price: £200.00