
  • Category = Humour
    Points of Humour; Illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank. by CRUIKSHANK, George
    CRUIKSHANK, George
    Points of Humour; Illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank.

    London: C. Baldwyn, 1823. 2 volumes bound in 1, 9 1/4 inches tall. A wonderful full morocco binding by the great firm of Bedford from the library of a Scottish Gentleman. Gilt raised bands, exceptionally fine gilt tooling to the panels and triple gilt fillets framing the boards. Gilt dentelles and top edge. A curious comic work in which Cruikshank " selects or invents those incidents which might be interesting or amusing in themselves, while they afford scope for the peculiar talents of the artist who adorns them with his designs". Both volumes contains 10 themes, each illustrated with a full page wood engraving. There are further engraved vignettes on India paper throughout. With 6 leaves of advertisements bound in. An absolutely pristine copy of the first edition.

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    Naples. And the Campagna Felice. in a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Friend in England, in 1802 by ROWLANDSON, Thomas; ENGELBACH, Lewis
    Naples. And the Campagna Felice. in a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Friend in England, in 1802

    London: R. Ackermann, 1815: 1815. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. A tall and sumptuous later full crushed morocco binding by the great firm of Bedford. With gilt raised bands and exceptional gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt dentelles and top edge. Very slight fading to the spine but still a wonderful copy from the library of a Scottish Gentleman. Hand-colored aquatint frontispiece, engraved title page and a further 16 hand-colored aquatint plates, as listed. First edition in book form. As good a copy of this highly entertaining work as one could hope to find.

    View basket More details Price: £2,200.00
    George Cruikshank's Table-Book. by CRUIKSHANK, George (illustrator). À BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott (Edited by).
    CRUIKSHANK, George (illustrator). À BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott (Edited by).
    George Cruikshank's Table-Book.

    London, The Punch Office, 1845. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. A pristine example of this classic comic work bound in sumptuous full morocco by the great firm of Bedford, from the library of a Scottish Gentleman. An exceptionally tall copy with gilt raised bands, ornate floral gilt tooling to the panels, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, wide gilt dentelles and top edge gilt. Embellished with 12 full page steel engravings and 117 superb engraved vignettes. With over 50 leaves of highly entertaining advertisements. As fine a copy as one could hope to find.

    View basket More details Price: £1,800.00
    Life in London; Or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, The Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees Through the Metropolis. by EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, George & Isaac (illustrated by).
    EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, George & Isaac (illustrated by).
    Life in London; Or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, The Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees Through the Metropolis.

    London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1822. Full morocco,10 inches tall. A superlative later full morocco binding by the great firm of Bedford, from the library of a Scottish Gentleman, in pristine condition. An exceptionally tall copy with gilt raised bands, ornate floral gilt tooling to the panels, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, wide gilt dentelles and top edges gilt. With 36 hand coloured aquatints by I.R. and George Cruikshank and 3 folding pages of songs. The original paper spine and cover, and advertisements, bound in. The images illustrate the hilarious and bawdy adventures of Jerry and his companions in Regency London. A beautiful volume.

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    Lessons of Thrift, Published for General Benefit By a Member of the Save-all Club. by CRAWFORD, John William Roy. CRUIKSHANK, Isaac Robert (illustrator).
    CRAWFORD, John William Roy. CRUIKSHANK, Isaac Robert (illustrator).
    Lessons of Thrift, Published for General Benefit By a Member of the Save-all Club.

    London: Thomas Boys, 1820. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. A wonderful tall late Victorian binding by the great firm of Bedford in pristine condition, inside and out. With gilt raised bands and luxurious floral gilt tooling to the panels. Gilt triple fillets frame the boards. Gilt dentelles and top edge. With an engraved title page and 12 hilarious full page hand coloured plates by Isaac Robert Cruikshank. From the library of a Scottish Gentleman. As fine a copy as one could possibly find of the first edition of this hilarious work advising much scrimping and saving.

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    The Maxims of Marmaduke. by JERNINGHAM, Charles Edwards "Marmaduke".
    JERNINGHAM, Charles Edwards "Marmaduke".
    The Maxims of Marmaduke.

    London: Methuen & Co., 1910. Full morocco, 6 1/2 inches tall. A very smart copy in full crushed morocco Edwardian binding by Bumpus with gilt raised bands, simple gilt framing to the panels and boards, gilt dentelles and all edges. Slight fading to the spine but still a luxurious and neat volume.

    View basket More details Price: £220.00
    George Cruikshank's Omnibus by CRUIKSHANK, George. (Edited by BLANCHARD, Laman).
    CRUIKSHANK, George. (Edited by BLANCHARD, Laman).
    George Cruikshank's Omnibus

    London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842. Full morocco, 9 1/2 inches tall. In pristine condition in a wonderful binding by the great firm of Bedford from the library of a Scottish Gentleman. With gilt raised bands and very fine gilt floral tooling to the panels. Triple gilt fillets frame the boards, gilt dentelles and top edge. The first edition of this classic comic work embellished with 22 full page engravings and a further 78 woodcut vignettes by George Cruikshank. Bound with 48 leaves of advertisements and the original covers of the original parts. As fine a copy of this splendid work as one could hope to find.

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    The Bab Ballads with which are included the Songs of a Savoyard. by GILBERT, W. S.
    GILBERT, W. S.
    The Bab Ballads with which are included the Songs of a Savoyard.

    London: Macmillan and Co., 1932. Full morocco, 7 1/2 inches tall. A super mosaic binding by Riviere with gilt raised bands fine gilt floral tooling to the panels, gilt dentelles and all edges. On the boards, within elaborate gilt borders, splendid colourful morocco onlays illustrate two of the "Bab" Ballads, 'The Yarn of the "Nancy Bell"' on the upper board and 'For he who'd make his Fellow-Creatures Wise should always Gild the Philosophical Pill' on the lower. Embellished with 350 illustrations, also by W. S. Gilbert. Very slight rubbing and an extensive neat ink inscription on the first blank, otherwise a pristine collection of Gilbert's light verse, named after is childhood nickname, in which he developed his "topsy-turvy" style of humour.

    View basket More details Price: £980.00
    The Life of Napoleon. A Hudibrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax. by COMBE, William. (SYNTAX, Doctor). CRUIKSHANK, George (illustrated by).
    COMBE, William. (SYNTAX, Doctor). CRUIKSHANK, George (illustrated by).
    The Life of Napoleon. A Hudibrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax.

    London: T. Tegg, 1815. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. A fabulous later tall full crushed morocco by the great firm of Bedford from the library of a Scottish Gentleman. With gilt raised bands, superb gilt tooling to the panels of the highest quality, wide gilt denteles and gilt top edge. With 30 hand-coloured aquatints, by George Cruikshank, including the title page, as called for. There is a small gouge in one of the panels, otherwise a sparking, pristine and exceptionally tall copy of this great and highly disrespectful comic work by 'Doctor Syntax'.

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    Merry Drollery Compleat being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs, &c.; Westminster Drolleries.....Sung at Court & Theaters; Choyce Drollery: Songs & Sonnets. by EBSWORTH, J. Woodfall (Edited by, With a Special Introduction).
    EBSWORTH, J. Woodfall (Edited by, With a Special Introduction).
    Merry Drollery Compleat being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs, &c.; Westminster Drolleries.....Sung at Court & Theaters; Choyce Drollery: Songs & Sonnets.

    Boston, Lincolnshire: Robert Roberts, 1875, 1875 & 1876. 3 Volume Set, 7 inches tall. A beautiful late Victorian full crushed morocco binding Andrew Grieve of Edinburgh in pristine condition. With gilt raised bands and extra gilt tooling to the panels. Dense gilt corner tooling and a single pallet frame the boards. Gilt top edges. These reprints are limited to 400 copies and were originally printed in the seventeenth century. With 2 blookplates to each volume. A selection of Restoration poetry for 'Lovers of Wit' and as an 'Antidote Against Melancholy'.

    View basket More details Price: £750.00
    Original Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. by (RASPE, Rudolf Erich).
    (RASPE, Rudolf Erich).
    Original Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

    London: Trübner & Co., 1889. Half morocco, 8 inches tall. A very good looking half crushed morocco with gilt raised bands and fine gilt floral tooling in the Art Nouveau style to the panels. Gilt top edge, the remaining edges deckled. A splendid new edition on hand made paper and Illustrations by Alfred Crowquill. Baron Munchausen's fictionalized adventures were first published anonymously in the original German by Raspe in magazine pieces and then in English in book form in 1785. Published anonymously as he feared litigation from the living and actual Baron Munchausen. He is not portrayed as dishonest but with an enormous capacity to exaggerate and elaborate his genuinely remarkable life into a ridiculous and comic one.

    View basket More details Price: £380.00
    Life in London; Or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, The Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees Through the Metropolis. by EGAN, Pierce
    EGAN, Pierce
    Life in London; Or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend, Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, The Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees Through the Metropolis.

    London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1821. Full morocco, 9 3/4 inches tall. A glorious later full morocco binding by the great firm of Bedford in pristine condition. With gilt raised bands, superb floral gilt tooling to the panels, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, wide gilt dentelles and top edge gilt. With the armorial bookplate of Bertram Freeman Mitford, Earl of Redesdale, grandfather of the Mitford sisters. With 36 hand coloured aquatints by I.R. and George Cruikshank and 3 folding pages of songs. Two of the plates (facing pages 286 and 310 are laid down without the titles). The images illustrate the hilarious and bawdy adventures of Jerry and his companions in London. With adverts and original wrappers bound in. A beautiful example of the first edition.

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    Real Life in London. by EGAN, Pierce (?)
    EGAN, Pierce (?)
    Real Life in London.

    London: Jones & Co., 1821-22. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. Handsome set in a later half blue crushed morocco binding with raised bands, blind pallets and gilt titles. Much read and admired, not many sets have survived in fine condition. This set is a little grubby, especially round some plates and a little closely cropped in places, touching the titles in places. A few leaves and plates are chipped with some repairs, there are occasional nicks and creases else the majority of contents are in clean and firm condition. Embellished with a series of superb hand-coloured aquatint plates designed and engraved by Alken, Dighton, Brooke and Rowlandson. First Edition. This set contains 34 plates, including the 2…


    London: Jones & Co., 1821-22. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. Handsome set in a later half blue crushed morocco binding with raised bands, blind pallets and gilt titles. Much read and admired, not many sets have survived in fine condition. This set is a little grubby, especially round some plates and a little closely cropped in places, touching the titles in places. A few leaves and plates are chipped with some repairs, there are occasional nicks and creases else the majority of contents are in clean and firm condition. Embellished with a series of superb hand-coloured aquatint plates designed and engraved by Alken, Dighton, Brooke and Rowlandson. First Edition. This set contains 34 plates, including the 2 not listed and often absent. The plates are charming and highly amusing with fascinating details of life in Regency England. Subtitled 'The Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq. and his Cousin The Hon. Tom Dashall through the Metropolis exhibiting a Living Picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners and Amusements in High and Low Life by an Amateur'. The identity of this 'amateur' has been much debated. 'Real Life in London' is a pleasanter book than its prototype 'Life in London'. Some have held that Egan wrote it; but the author had a purer style, a cleaner mind and a wider knowledge of London than Egan. The book shows many more sides of London life than his; though the formal descriptions of well known scenes or buildings, here and there inserted amid matter of a very different character, recall very forcibly Mr. Bouncer's letters to his aunt in Verdant Green. This work was very popular, more so than even Egan's Life in London' and Combe's three tours of Dr. Syntax. A neat set of this great comic and enigmatic work.

    View basket More details Price: £850.00
    A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings. With Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes. by KAY, John
    KAY, John
    A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings. With Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes.

    Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder to her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1837-38. 2 volumes bound in 4, 10 1/2 inches tall. A spectacular set of the first edition of this extraordinary and hilarious works with its 329 etched plates in superb condition. In a full early Victorian hard grained embossed morocco with raised bands and very fine blind tooling to the spine and boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. There is very slight fading to the spines and a couple of tiny scuffs, otherwise in pristine condition. There is a little offsetting from the plates and a small tear to the folding plate otherwise clean. This famous collection of portraits by the Edinburgh engraver John Kay (1742-1826) was later…


    Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder to her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1837-38. 2 volumes bound in 4, 10 1/2 inches tall. A spectacular set of the first edition of this extraordinary and hilarious works with its 329 etched plates in superb condition. In a full early Victorian hard grained embossed morocco with raised bands and very fine blind tooling to the spine and boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. There is very slight fading to the spines and a couple of tiny scuffs, otherwise in pristine condition. There is a little offsetting from the plates and a small tear to the folding plate otherwise clean. This famous collection of portraits by the Edinburgh engraver John Kay (1742-1826) was later reprinted in 1842 and 1877. 'Kay's caricatures provide light relief in the field of portraiture at the end of the eighteenth century. He quickly and deftly summed up the characters of those living in a very prosperous Georgian Edinburgh' (ODNB). A really nice set.

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    The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels. by INGOLDSBY, Thomas [BARHAM, The Rev.]
    INGOLDSBY, Thomas [BARHAM, The Rev.]
    The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels.

    London: Macmillan and Co., 1906. Full crushed morocco, 7 1/2 inches tall. A very fine full crushed morocco by the great firm of Morrell with gilt raised bands, suitably macabre/comic centre tools and ornate gilding to the spine and boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. There is a neat ink former owners name on the first blank that has partially offset. 20 superb full page steel engravings by Cruikshank, Leech and the author. A super copy of this classic comic work.

    View basket More details Price: £320.00
    Lectures on the English Comic Writers. by HAZLITT, William
    HAZLITT, William
    Lectures on the English Comic Writers.

    London: John Templeman, 1841. Full morocco, 6 3/4 inches tall. A delightful little binding in fine full crushed morocco with gilt raised bands and delicate floral gilt tooling to the panels. All edges gilt. Triple gilt fillets and floral corner tooling frames the boards. From the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey. Extra-illustrated with 52 fine engraved plates. Hazlitt is considered one of the greatest critics and essayists in the history of the English language.

    View basket More details Price: £420.00
    The Life of George Cruikshank. by JERROLD, Blanchard
    JERROLD, Blanchard
    The Life of George Cruikshank.

    London: Chatto and Windus, 1882. 2 volume set, 7 1/2 inches tall. A wonderful full crushed morocco binding by Riviere with gilt raised bands, very fine gilt tooling to the panels and with triple gilt fillets framing the boards. Gilt dentelles and top edges. With the armorial bookplates of W.H. Lever of Thornton Manor, Sir W. Hesketh Lever, Bart. and Baron, Lord Leverhulme of Bolton-Le Moors, all one and the same and the founder of 'Port Sunlight'. This beautiful set has an extra 89 plates, 34 hand-coloured, bound in, some particularly interesting ones, including Mr. Kean as Richard and as Count Bertram and 2 box tickets for His Majesty's Theatre. A unique set in pristine condition.

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    The Facetiae or Jocose Tales of Poggio by POGGIO (Bracciolini),
    POGGIO (Bracciolini),
    The Facetiae or Jocose Tales of Poggio

    Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1879. 2 volume set, 6 3/4 inches tall. A superb half morocco by Bumpus with gilt raised bands and fine extra gilt panels and gilt top edge. The title pages are printed on vellum. Very slight wear to the joints but very solid and in a beautiful binding. From the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey. Poggio Bracciolini, writing in the 16th century is celebrated for rediscovering many classical Latin manuscripts, many otherwise unknown, from monastic libraries. He made important finds in St. Gallen, Cluny Abbey, Langres, Monte Cassino and Hersfeld Abbey, amongst many others. The texts here are in English with the original Latin in a smaller type below.

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    Facetiae. Musarum Deliciae: or, The Muses Recreation. Conteining Severall Pieces of Poetique Wit. By Sr.J.M.and Ja:S. 1656. and Wit Restor'd, in Several Select Poems, not Formerly Publish't. 1658 etc etc. by MENNIS, Sir John & SMITH, Dr. James
    MENNIS, Sir John & SMITH, Dr. James
    Facetiae. Musarum Deliciae: or, The Muses Recreation. Conteining Severall Pieces of Poetique Wit. By Sr.J.M.and Ja:S. 1656. and Wit Restor'd, in Several Select Poems, not Formerly Publish't. 1658 etc etc.

    London: Longman et al., 1817. 2 volume set, 7 3/4 inches tall. A superb full crushed morocco by J. Wright, one of the greatest binders of the period. With gilt raised bands, smart labels and extra gilt panels. Gilt dentelles and all edges. From the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey. Vice Admiral Sir John Mennis (or Mennes), was an English naval officer, who went on to be Comptroller of the Navy. He was also considered a wit. His comic and satirical verses, written in correspondence with James Smith, were published in 1656. He figures prominently in the Diary of Samuel Pepys, who reported directly to Mennes at the Navy Office and thought him an incompetent…


    London: Longman et al., 1817. 2 volume set, 7 3/4 inches tall. A superb full crushed morocco by J. Wright, one of the greatest binders of the period. With gilt raised bands, smart labels and extra gilt panels. Gilt dentelles and all edges. From the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey. Vice Admiral Sir John Mennis (or Mennes), was an English naval officer, who went on to be Comptroller of the Navy. He was also considered a wit. His comic and satirical verses, written in correspondence with James Smith, were published in 1656. He figures prominently in the Diary of Samuel Pepys, who reported directly to Mennes at the Navy Office and thought him an incompetent civil servant, but a delightful social companion. Pepys stated that Mennes's skills as a poet and mimic made him the best of company. He describes a memorable evening when Mennes and John Evelyn engaged in a mimicry contest. Mennes's highly entertaining verses first appeared in 1656 as Musarum Deliciæ or the Muses's Recreation. They appear here in a scarce Regency edition.

    View basket More details Price: £850.00
    Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through London. by EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, Robert (Illustrated by the pencil of).
    EGAN, Pierce. CRUIKSHANK, Robert (Illustrated by the pencil of).
    Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through London.

    London: G. Virtue, 1830. Full morocco, 9 1/2 inches tall. A pristine copy in glorious full morocco by Riviere with gilt raised bands and wonderful gilt centre tools indicative of our heroes dissolute adventures in London, playing cards, Champagne bottles and dancers. The boards are framed within gilt corner tools and triple fillets. Gilt dentelles and top edge. Embellished with all 36 hand coloured aquatints from designs by Robert Cruikshank. This is a magnificent copy of this hilarious work from the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey.

    View basket More details Price: £1,650.00