- Category = Classical Literature
Opera. Recognovit, Emendavit. Gabriel Brotier.
London & Paris: Ex Typographia Ludovici-Francisci Delatour via San-Jacobea. Londini apud Paulum Vaillant, 1771. 4 volume set, 11 inches tall. Superb 18th century full vellum bindings with most attractive blue gilt labels. Complete with all 4 folding maps and genealogy. With the bookplate of the Earl of Aylesford. A splendid set described by Brunet (V p.645) as the ...."Edition magnifiquement imprimee et qui a longtemps passe pour une des meilleures de cet historien".
More details Price: £1,400.00 -
Fables from Boccacio (Boccaccio) and Chaucer
London: Suttaby, 1813. Full morocco, 2 volumes bound in 1, complete, 5.25 inches tall. From a larger set of "The Works of the British Poets", hence the volume number on the spine. In a beautiful Regency binding in full straight grain morocco with gilt raised bands, gilt centre tools and blind corner tools to the panels and all edges gilt. On both boards a Grecian lyre within a wreath is framed by elaborate blind tooling. Armorial bookplate. Engraved frontispieces to both volumes. An exquisite little volume.
More details Price: £120.00 -
The Satires. (DRYDEN, John, translated into English by).
London: Suttaby, 1812. Full morocco, 2 volumes bound in 1, complete, 5.25 inches tall. From a larger set of "The Works of the British Poets", hence the volume number on the spine. In a beautiful Regency binding in full straight grain morocco with gilt raised bands, gilt centre tools and blind corner tools to the panels and all edges gilt. On both boards a Grecian lyre within a wreath is framed by elaborate blind tooling. Armorial bookplate. 2 engraved plates. An exquisite little volume.
More details Price: £120.00 -
Pharsalia. (ROWE, Nicholas, translated into English by).
London: Suttaby et al, 1812. 2 volume set, 5.25 inches tall. Lucan's epic Roman poem telling the story of the civil war between Julius Caesar and the Senate under Pompey the Great. From a larger set of "The Works of the British Poets", hence the volume numbers on the spine. In a beautiful Regency binding in full straight grain morocco with gilt raised bands, gilt centre tools and blind corner tools to the panels and all edges gilt. On both boards a Grecian lyre within a wreath is framed by elaborate blind tooling. Armorial bookplate. Engraved frontispieces to both volumes. An exquisite little set.
More details Price: £180.00 -
Salaman & Absal
London: The De La More Press, 1904. Full pink calf, 6.5 inches tall. A delightful full calf by Bumpus with gilt raised bands, delicate gilt tooling to the panels and boards, dentelles and all edges. Finely printed on handmade paper with full page black and white illustrations and red frontispiece. Ink inscription on the free endpaper. A splendid copy of this Persian allegory.
More details Price: £280.00 -
Amours Antiques.
Paris: Borel, 1902. Full vellum, 7.5 inches tall. With a label and gilt tooling to the spine and a charming gilt design on the upper board with a butterfly alighting on a lotus. Tales of love from classical writers. From the Selbourne collection and with their tiny ink stamp on the reverse of the title page.
More details Price: £180.00 -
Luciani Samosantensis Opera.
Amsterdam: sumptibus Jacobi Wetstenii, 1743. 4 volume set, 11.5 inches tall. A magnificently bound set with gilt raised bands and superb gilt tooling to the panels. Simple gilt fillets framing the boards, dentelles and all edges gilt. The index was published in 1746. With the armorial bookplate of Tatton Park. Slightly rubbed but with no loss or splitting. Beautifully printed in Greek and Latin. Dibdin considered this to be the most accurate and most beautiful edition of the works of Lucian, the great satirist and rhetorician.
More details Price: £2,800.00 -
Quinti Horatii Flacci Carmina, detersis recentibus plerumque maculis, nitori suo restitula.
Paris: Joseph Barbou, 1775. Full calf, 6.5 inches tall. A delightful 18th century calf binding with gilt bands, labels and floral gilt tooling to the panels. The mottled calf boards are framed by simple gilt rolls. All edges gilt. Frontispiece and woodcut ornaments.
More details Price: £220.00 -
Justini Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio Libri XLIV
Paris: Joseph Barbou, 1770. Full calf, 6 inches tall. A delightful 18th century calf binding with gilt bands, labels and floral gilt tooling to the panels. The mottled calf boards are framed by simple gilt rolls. All edges gilt. Frontispiece by Gravelot and woodcut ornaments. Finely printed latin text of this great history.
More details Price: £220.00