- Category = Biography
Queen Elizabeth.
London & Paris: Boussod, Valadon & Co. (Goupil), 1896. Full morocco, 12 1/2 inches tall. A sumptuous binding by Riviere with gilt raised bands and very fine extra gilt tooling to the panels and gilt roll and triple fillet framing the boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. Beautifully printed and with illustrations throughout including the colour portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. One of a series of extravagantly produced, mostly Royal, biographies. Slight rubbing but still in very fine condition.
More details Price: £950.00 -
The Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent.
London: T. Cadell, 1825. 2 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A splendid Georgian full calf with gilt raised bands, twin labels including finely tooled volume labels and highly ornate extra gilt panels. Portrait. A celebrated biography of the great 15th century Italian statesman, ruler of the Republic of Florence, Politician, banker and the most important patron of the Italian Renaissance sponsoring Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo amongst many others. A very good looking set.
More details Price: £550.00 -
The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay.
London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1876. 2 volume set, 8 1/2 inches tall. An exceptionally bright and clean late Victorian tree calf with gilt raised bands, triple labels and neat gilt tooling in the panels. Bookplate. The life of one of the greatest English Historians, by his nephew.
More details Price: £450.00 -
Richard Jefferies. A Study.
London: Swan Sonnenscein & Co., 1894. Half morocco, 9 inches tall. A very pretty copy of this interesting study in a half crushed morocco by Zaehnsdorf with elaborate gilt tooling on a smooth back. Gilt top edge. Rather splendid 'Arthurian' bookplate. Embellished with a portrait and 4 engraved plates. A previous owner's neat ink signature on a blank.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Life of Petrarch.
London: Henry Colburn, 1841. 2 volume set, 8 3/4 inches tall. A handsome set bound in full calf by Hayday with gilt raised bands, gilt and inked pallets and twin labels to the panels and twin gilt and a single blind fillet framing the boards. 2 portraits, 2 plates of 'Coins relating to the Age of Petrarch' and a sepia view of 'Fountain of Vaucluse and Castle of the Bishop of Cavaillon'. Bookplate on the reverse of the free endpaper of volume I. Some scuffing and scratching but overall a fine set of this life of Francesco Petrarca, scholar and poet of early 14th century Renaissance Italy.
More details Price: £280.00 -
The Life of Nelson.
London: John Murray and William Tegg, 1853. Full navy blue calf, 6 1/2 inches tall. A very bright full calf with raised bands, wonderful naval gilt centre tools, contrasting red label and triple fillets framing the boards. There is the prize bookplate of Bruce Castle, dated 1853, on the front paste down endpaper and a further bookplate facing it. Simple woodcut vignettes, including to the title page. A sparkling copy of this hugely popular Life of Nelson.
More details Price: £220.00 -
The Life of Sir Thomas More.
Chiswick: Printed by C. Whittingham for R. Triphook, 1822. Half Calf, 6 1/2 inches tall. A good looking later binding in half mottled calf with a smooth back, gilt pallets, centre tools and label. Gilt top edge. Portrait. Small split to the head of the upper board but perfectly firm and solid. Foxing to the preliminaries. Martyred for his opposition to the Protestant Reformation, More is venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Church.
More details Price: £220.00 -
Letters and Life.
London: J.F. Dove, 1826. Full vellum, 5 inches tall. A delightful little full vellum with gilt bands and delicate gilt tooling to the panels. A blue fillet frames the boards. With 'The Life of Robert Burns' by Dr. Currie. Engraved frontispiece and title page.
More details Price: £200.00 -
The Life of Lord Byron.
London: Colburn and Bentley, 1830. Full calf, 6 3/4 inches tall. A fine William IV full calf with gilt raised bands, ornate gilt tooling to the panels and twin blind fillets framing the boards. Blue and pink speckled edges. Slight rubbing. Armorial bookplate. Engraved title page and 2 portraits.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Olympia Morata, Her Times, Life and Writings.
London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1834. Half morocco, 6 1/2 inches tall. A pretty little binding with raised bands, gilt titles and top edge by Maclehose of Glasgow. From the Library of the Late Christopher Foyle of Beeleigh Abbey. A pencil inscription on the reverse of the free end paper states: 'From Sir Theodore Martin's Library'. The extraordinary story of Olympia Fulvia Morata, Italian classical scholar of Protestant leanings who died aged just 29.
More details Price: £200.00