We have a large stock of 18th and 19th century beautiful leather bound books in exceptional condition.
We have specialised in just these for nearly 50 years.
Hungarian Sketches In Peace And War
Edinburgh: Constable, 1854. Full morocco, 6.75 inches tall. A superb copy bound by Bedford, one of the greatest firms of the period. With gilt raised bands, gilt titles and exeptionally fine tooling to the panels and boards. Gilt dentelles and all edges. In pristine condition.
More details Price: £350.00 -
The Book of Gems.
London: Bohn, 1853. Full morocco, 8.5 inches tall. A most sumptious binding from the early Victorian period with gilt raised bands, dense gilt tooled panels. finely gilt boards, dentelles and all edges. A anthology of verse by the greatest British poets of the period, illustrated by some of the most illustrious artists. As is usually the case with this edition there is foxing, some severe, throughout.
More details Price: £120.00 -
Poems By Thomas Hood
London: Moxon, 1872. 2 volumes bound in 1, 11 inches tall. A splendid large paper copy bound in full morocco by George Rutland of Newcastle. With raised bands, titles, very delicate and ornate gilt panels, dentelles and all edges gilt. The boards have elegant panels framed with heavy gilt rolls. With 44 full page engravings of scenes by Birket Foster. Slight fading to the spine but overall a fine copy.
More details Price: £300.00 -
The Poems of Allan Ramsay
London: Cadell, 1800. 2 volume set, 8.5 inches tall. A superb binding with gilt raised bands, label and exceptionally fine gilt tooling to the panels and boards. With dentelles and all edges gilt. Portrait. A pristine copy of this early enlarged edition.
More details Price: £650.00 -
The Shipwreck, A Poem.
London: Cadell et al., 1808. Full straight grain morocco, 9 inches tall. With gilt and blind tooled wide raised bands, very fine gilt tooling to the panels, gilt and blind tooling framing the boards, dentelles and all edges. Some foxing, particularly to the preliminaries. Some marks and scuffing but generally in excellent condition with no splitting or loss.
More details Price: £200.00 -
London: John Bell, 1791. 7 volumes, 6 inches tall. Full straight grain morocco with label, gilt bands, titles, superb centre tools, all edges and dentelles. This is the first 7 volumes of Tragedies, part of John Bell's British library series. Containing many plays all individually paginated. Each also has a superb engraved frontispiece and title page. An exceedingly pretty run.
More details Price: £950.00 -
The Ingoldsby Legends.
London: Bentley, 1874. Full morocco, 9.5 inches tall. With raised bands, gilt titling, Macabre gilt centre tools and elaborate gilt tooling to the boards, dentelles and all edges. Illustrated throughout.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Tribute to Walter De La Mare on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday
London: Faber & Faber, 1948. Full crushed morocco, 8.75 inches tall. Very finely bound at the Minstead Bindery. With gilt title and floral pattern with birds and green onlays, dentelles and all edges gilt. With gilt tooled sleeve and elaborate felt lined slip case with wooden head and tail. Colour frontispiece. All in pristine condition. An owners incription at the rear with his communication with Faber and Faber tipped in.
More details Price: £300.00 -
Sermons on Various Subjects and Occasions
London: Printed for the author, 1825. A stunning binding from the library of Lord Eldon, Lord Chancellor and in a uniform binding with our Soames History of the Reformation in our stock. Full straight grain morocco, 8.5 inches tall. With very wide raised gilt bands, superb extra gilt panels and tooling to the boards, dentelles and all edges. As is usual with this colour some blotching has occured over the years. On the title page volume 2 is stated and neatly crossed out and we are under the impression that this is the only volume published, as it contains a list of subscribers.
More details Price: £150.00 -
A Thousand and One Gems of English Poetry.
London: Routledge, 1872. Full red morocco, 8.5 inches tall. A heavy Victorian binding with gilt raised bands, title, dentelles and all edges and splendid gilt tooling to the panels and boards. An excellent anthology of English poetry from the perspective of the time. With illustrations by Millais, Gilbert, Tenniel, Birket Foster and others. An owners name on the paste down endpaper has been crossed out and there is some foxing to the blanks, otherwise clean.
More details Price: £220.00 -
Les Amours des Anges, et Les Melodies Irlandaises. (Irish Melodies)
Paris: Chez Chasseriau, 1823. Full straight grain morocco, 8 inches tall. Gilt raised bands, titles, fine gilt floral panels, gilt and blind tooled boards, dentelles and pink endpapers. All edges gilt. Portrait. A very elegant copy in pristine condition.
More details Price: £350.00 -
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Edinburgh: Black, 1865. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. A very fine heavy mid-Victorian morocco binding with gilt raised bands, extra gilt panels, ornate gilt tooling to the boards and all edges gilt. A double column edition, complete in 1 volume. Inscription.... 'on his leaving Eton Xmas 1865' on first blank. Some foxing to the preliminaries.
More details Price: £250.00 -
Irish Melodies.
London: Longman, 1846. Full crushed morocco, 10.5 inches tall. Splendid heavy Victorian binding with raised bands, extra floral gilt panels and boards, titles, dentelles and all edges. Illustrated throughout by Maclise with beautiful illustrations all within decorative borders. Some foxing throughout and light scuffing, a patch of leather on the lower board has been squidged with no loss.
More details Price: £350.00 -
Touraine And Its Story.
London: Dent, n.d. c.1905. Full morocco, 10 inches tall. Full straight grain morocco by Bumpus, gilt raised bands, panels, titles, dentelles and all edges. A splendid copy of this fascinating volume with 50 full page colour illustrations and many black and white in the text. Foxing to the first few blanks and then clean from the half title. Ink inscription on the first blank.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Opere di Pietro Metastasio.
Mantova: Co' Tipi Dell'Erede Pazzoni, 1816. 6 volumes, 6.5 inches tall. Full blue morocco by Hering. Superb set with wide floral gilt raised bands, framed panels, dentelles and all edges. Slightly rubbed on the spines.
More details Price: £375.00 -
Coelebs in Search of a Wife. In two volumes.
London: Charles Tilt, 1837. 2 vols., 12mo (4.25 x 2.75 inches). Full mauve morocco, with decorative gilt tooling framing title on spine. Double blind rule framing gilt scrolling foliage centre tool to both boards. All edges gilt. Unusual oxidised book plate 'Sarah'. Engraved frontispiece plates.
More details Price: £220.00 -
Gargantua. Illustrations de Dubout.
Paris: Gibert Jeune Librairie d'Amateurs, 1938. 4to (10½" tall). Full blue crushed morocco. Splendid 1930's French binding with a series of wide bands each bearing a letter of the title. Coloured calf inlay and gilt tooling on the upper board. Top edge gilt.
More details Price: £380.00