Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE,…

Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by). < >
  • Another image of Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by).
  • Another image of Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by).
  • Another image of Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by).
  • Another image of Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by).
  • Another image of Sea Songs and Ballads. by STONE, Christopher (selected by). BRIDGE, Admiral Sir Cyprian (with an introduction by).

Sea Songs and Ballads.

Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1906. Quarter Vellum, 7 inches tall. A sparkling half vellum on a smooth back with twin labels and gilt floral tooling in the Art Nouveau style. A splendid anthology containing 100 songs and ballads about the sea over a period of 500 years.

Book ID: 5909
Categories: Poetry, S, Vellum
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