English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox

English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox < >
  • Another image of English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox
  • Another image of English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox
  • Another image of English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox
  • Another image of English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox
  • Another image of English Seamen under the Tudors. by BOURNE, H. R. Fox

English Seamen under the Tudors.

London: Richard Bentley, 1868. 2 volume set, 8 inches tall. A beautifully bound set of this classic work in full calf by Zaehnsdorf. With gilt raised bands, triple red labels and fine gilt floral tooling to the panels. Twin gilt fillets and corner tools frame the boards. With the armorial bookplate of Fitz Roy Keith Chapman and Beeleigh Abbey. With 5 maps. A fascinating read covering the defeat of the Spanish Armada and colonization of North America as well as some of England's greatest Explorers and Naval heroes, including The Cabots, Frobisher, Gilbert, Raleigh, Davis, Drake, Hawkins, Cavendish amongst many others.

Book ID: 5589
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