Redgauntlet, histoire du dix-huitième Siècle.
Paris: [Cosson for] Charles Gosselin, 1824. 4 volume set, 7 inches tall. Quarter calf with twin labels and gilt centre tools. Some fading and rubbing to the boards.First edition in French. Volume one contains an interesting Avant-propos de l’Éditeur commencing: ‘En publiant ce nouveau roman de l’auteur de Waverley, qui ajoute 4 volumes à l’édition complète in -12, et qui formera les tomes 38 et 39 de l’in-8o...’ It explains the speed with which the translation had to be prepared in order to beat rival translations to the press. It also engages with criticisms of the recent translation of St. Ronan’s Well and with the popular supposition that some of the new novels emanating from Scotland were not in fact by Scott at all but by Lockhart. The publisher sets the record straight, stating precisely which were Lockhart’s (Valerius, Adam Blair, Reginald Dalton) and which were Scott’s.